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On Valentines Day....

(Letter to my friend on Valentine's Day)

My friend, 

I wish things were easier. But Valentine's Day when you have gone through a separation and divorce is not easy. I'm so sorry for your pain. 

You may feel like you're always going to be alone because you are alone today. 

I want to encourage you with this: Do not believe the lie that your life today is what it will be for the rest of your life. This day does not determine your value. It is just 24 hours, and it is a holiday made up by Hallmark to sell greeting cards. It's just a day about chocolates and fancy dinners.

Also, you do not need to be with someone in order to be whole. The writer of Jerry McGuire got it wrong. No one can complete you except Jesus and your relationship with him. 

Along those lines, Hollywood cares more about selling movie tickets than real love stories. Real love stories include loving oneself first and then out of that overflow giving it to someone else as both of you pursue God together. It is about choices and not primarily feelings. 

Valentine's Day is just a day about chocolates, cards, flowers, teddy bears and fancy dinners and desserts. 

You are valuable my brother. You are not alone. You will get through this if you choose to persevere. You are loved. You are uniquely treasured.

This Temporary pain is a part of the process of your greatness. 

-Your brother, Kevin

Founder of Desert Tree Ministries, a nonprofit committed to restoring holistic health to Christian men in the name of Jesus.

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